About Me

Dear Families,

Hello! My name is Elena Dellis and I have been assigned be a student teacher in your child’s first grade class! Since I will be spending a lot of time inside the classroom, I thought it would only be appropriate to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about my background.

I am currently a senior at Roger Williams University and I am majoring in Elementary Education as well as minoring in Psychology. In previous years, I have been assigned to observe classes around the Rhode Island area in grades 1, 2 and 3, but this is my first time being assigned to Melville Elementary School, and I must say that I am very excited!

Last semester I left my home state of New York and went on an amazing six-month long adventure studying abroad in Australia. It was an unbelievable experience and I hope I am able to share some stories with the class!

Since I was a little girl, I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. I used to invite the neighborhood kids over and place them in front of the portable chalkboard as well as give them assignments, homework, nametags and bathroom passes. I cannot even begin to explain how excited I am for these next couple of months and how thrilled I am that I was assigned to Ms. Seveney’s class!

I am really looking forward to getting to know and working with your child and if you have any questions please feel free to contact Ms. Seveney or myself!


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